Tenth Annual NGEE Arctic All-Hands Meeting
Door time
12:45 pm
Current status
- Scheduled
Attendance mode
- Offline
- Video file
Seeking biogeochemical scaling rules from first principle
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Geochemical controls on nutrient dynamics
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Microbial Feedbacks and Ecosystem Recovery
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pH and redox dynamics in Arctic soils
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Impact of short-term warming on nutrient uptake and allocation
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The chemostatic and chemodynamic behavior of DOC and other analytes in the six largest Arctic rivers
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Evaluating DVMDOSTEM sensitivity and parameter uncertainty using the PEcAn framework
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Remote sensing of Arctic vegetation distribution, structure and function
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Multi-scale Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity and Functional Traits in the Arctic Tundra
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Influence of tundra polygon type and climate variability on CO2 and CH4 Fluxes near Utqiagvik, Alaska
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Integrating arctic plant functional types into the E3SM Land Model
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The water cost of photosynthesis: assessing dynamics of stomatal optimality from the Tropics to the Arctic
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Analysis of shrub winter snowpack temperatures at Teller and Kougarok
Permafrost Dynamics
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Characterizing Microtopography in Shrub-Dominated Tundra Hillslopes using UAV LiDAR
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Testing variability across simple snow redistribution models in the Seward Peninsula of Alaska
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Distributed wireless sensor networks for dense spatiotemporal measurements of snow thickness, soil and snow temperature, and soil deformation
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Ecosystem type analysis for scaling snow redistribution in the Seward Peninsula, Alaska
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Exploring the interactions between dynamic microtopography, thaw-induced subsidence, and permafrost hydrology: Multiscale modeling
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Geophysical monitoring shows that thermohydrological dynamics reshape a transitional permafrost system
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The importance of freeze/thaw cycles on lateral transport in ice-wedge polygons
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Numerical analysis of controls on talik formation and implications for biogeochemical fluxes
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What do solifluction patterns tell us about soil transport processes?
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Pan-Arctic observations of ice wedge melting and thermokarst pool expansion
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Identifying Subterranean Disturbance: Could we locate Physical Disturbance Before it Occurs?
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Impact of seed dispersal and fire on Arctic shrub expansion
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Building a conceptual smoldering fire behavior model for Arctic tundra fires
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How topography and climate control sediment flux and carbon storage on Seward Peninsula hillslopes
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Changes in precipitation and air temperature contribute comparably to permafrost degradation in a warmer climate