
Displaying 81 - 100 of 350
By year of publication, then alphabetical by title
  1. Clayton, Leah K., et al. “Active Layer Thickness As a Function of Soil Water Content”. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 16, no. 5, 2021, p. 055028,
  2. Glade, Rachel C., et al. “Arctic Soil Patterns Analogous to Fluid Instabilities”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 118, no. 21, 2021,
  3. Mekonnen, Zelalem A., et al. “Arctic Tundra Shrubification: A Review of Mechanisms and Impacts on Ecosystem Carbon Balance”. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 16, no. 5, 2021, p. 053001,
  4. Fer, Istem, et al. “Beyond Ecosystem Modeling: A Roadmap to Community Cyberinfrastructure for Ecological data‐model Integration”. Global Change Biology, vol. 27, no. 1, 2021, pp. 13-26,
  5. Mekonnen, Zelalem A., et al. “Changes in Precipitation and Air Temperature Contribute Comparably to Permafrost Degradation in a Warmer Climate”. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 16, no. 2, 2021, p. 024008,
  6. Tang, Jinyun Y., et al. “Conceptualizing Biogeochemical Reactions With an Ohm’s Law Analogy”. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 13, no. 10, 2021,
  7. Schneider von Deimling, Thomas, et al. “Consequences of Permafrost Degradation for Arctic Infrastructure – Bridging the Model Gap Between Regional and Engineering Scales”. The Cryosphere, vol. 15, no. 5, 2021, pp. 2451-7,
  8. Hollingsworth, Teresa N., et al. “Does Fire Always Accelerate Shrub Expansion in Arctic Tundra? Examining a Novel Grass-Dominated Successional Trajectory on the Seward Peninsula”. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, vol. 53, no. 1, 2021, pp. 93-109,
  9. Chen, Yang, et al. “Future Increases in Arctic Lightning and Fire Risk for Permafrost Carbon”. Nature Climate Change, vol. 11, no. 5, 2021, pp. 404-10,
  10. Uhlemann, Sebastian, et al. “Geophysical Monitoring Shows That Spatial Heterogeneity in Thermohydrological Dynamics Reshapes a Transitional Permafrost System”. Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 48, no. 6, 2021,
  11. Wainwright, Haruko M., et al. “High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Estimation of Net Ecosystem Exchange in Ice-Wedge Polygon Tundra Using In Situ Sensors and Remote Sensing Data”. Land, vol. 10, no. 7, 2021, p. 722,
  12. Dengel, Sigrid, et al. “Influence of Tundra Polygon Type and Climate Variability on Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes Near Utqiagvik, Alaska”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 126, no. 12, 2021,
  13. Sulman, Benjamin N., et al. “Integrating Arctic Plant Functional Types in a Land Surface Model Using Above‐ and Belowground Field Observations”. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 13, no. 4, 2021,
  14. Yang, Dedi, et al. “Landscape-Scale Characterization of Arctic Tundra Vegetation Composition, Structure, and Function With a Multi-Sensor Unoccupied Aerial System”. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 16, no. 8, 2021, p. 085005,
  15. Cawse-Nicholson, Kerry, et al. “NASA’s Surface Biology and Geology Designated Observable: A Perspective on Surface Imaging Algorithms”. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 257, 2021, p. 112349,
  16. Harp, Dylan R., et al. “New Insights into the Drainage of Inundated Ice-Wedge Polygons Using Fundamental Hydrologic Principles”. The Cryosphere, vol. 15, no. 8, 2021, pp. 4005-29,
  17. Riley, William J., et al. “Non-Growing Season Plant Nutrient Uptake Controls Arctic Tundra Vegetation Composition under Future Climate”. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 16, no. 7, 2021, p. 074047,
  18. Sjöberg, Ylva, et al. “Permafrost Promotes Shallow Groundwater Flow and Warmer Headwater Streams”. Water Resources Research, vol. 57, no. 2, 2021,
  19. Yuan, Fengming, and Shuhua Yi. “Responses of Boreal Forest Ecosystems and Permafrost to Climate Change and Disturbances: A Modeling Perspective”. Arctic Hydrology, Permafrost and Ecosystems, Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 849-92,
  20. Kropp, Heather, et al. “Shallow Soils Are Warmer under Trees and Tall Shrubs across Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems”. Environmental Research Letters, vol. 16, no. 1, 2021, p. 015001,