Processing and Importing

#!/bin/bash ################################### # # Author: Jitendra Kumar ( # Oak Ridge National Laboratory # # This README provides guidance to process and import the data sets in this collection into your GIS system. # # All data sets in this collection are georeferenced and are in Alaska Albers Equal Area projection system. # Packaged data set provides all the information one may need to process and import them into a GIS. # # -------------------- # # -------------------- # File Formats: All raster data sets are provided as geoferenced NetCDF files and vector data sets as georeferenced Shape files. # -------------------- # # -------------------- # Linux/MacOS + GRASS Users: You are in luck since this README script has been written as a shell script. Run this in your GRASS terminal, or shell terminal (if you have GRASS already available in your environment) and it will do following for you. # 1. Create a new GRASS projection and mapset # 2. Import all raster and vector data products from this collection # And you are all set # -------------------- # Windows + GRASS Users: Please follow the steps below in your GRASS GUI to process and import these data sets # -------------------- # ArcGIS, ENVI, ERDAS etc. (non GRASS GIS) Users: Your software system should be able to read and import these georeferenced NetCDF and Shape files. # -------------------- # # This script assumes that you are maintaining the directory hierarchy similar to the distribution directory # . # ├── ecoregions # ├── realized_centroids # └── representativeness # # -------------------- # Dataset reference: # Hoffman, Forrest M., Jitendra Kumar, Richard T. Mills, and William W. Hargrove. (2013). Representativeness-based Sampling Network Design for the State of Alaska. DOI:10.5440/1108686 # # Paper reference: # Hoffman, Forrest M., Jitendra Kumar, Richard T. Mills, and William W. Hargrove. (2013) Representativeness-based Sampling Network Design for the State of Alaska. Landscape Ecology, 28(8):1567–1586. doi:10.1007/s10980-013-9902-0 ################################### # -------------------------------- # Importing data set in GRASS GIS # -------------------------------- # 1. Create Albers Equal Area projection g.proj -c wkt=alaska_albers_equalarea.prj location=ak_aea # 2. Change to newly create location g.gisenv set="LOCATION_NAME=ak_aea" g.gisenv set="MAPSET=PERMANENT" # Create a new mapset if desired g.mapset -c Hoffman_LandEcol_2013 # 3. Import data from NetCDF files as raster in GRASS clust=(10 20 50 100) periods=("2000_2009" "2090_2099") sites=("Atqasuk" "Barrow" "Council" "Fairbanks" "Ivotuk" "Kougarok" "Prudhoe_bay" "Toolik_lake" "8site" "BarrowCouncil") # Import ecoregions echo "IMPORTING ECOREGION MAPS" cd ecoregions for((k=0; k4; k++)) do for((t=0; t2; t++)) do in=NETCDF:"alaska_${periods[t]}_dem_Feb2012.${clust[k]}.nc":ecoregions${clust[k]} out=ecoregion_${periods[t]}.${clust[k]} title="AK Ecoregions (${periods[t]}), Levels of division = ${clust[k]}" done done cd .. # Import representativeness maps echo "IMPORTING REPRESENTATIVENESS MAPS" cd representativeness for((s=0; s10; s++)) do for((tb=0; tb2; tb++)) do for((ts=0; ts2; ts++)) do in=NETCDF:"${sites[s]}ness_${periods[tb]}_on_${periods[ts]}":${sites[s]}_representativeness out=${sites[s]}_representativeness_${periods[tb]}_on_${periods[ts]} title="Representativeness of ${sites[s]} site: ${periods[tb]} on ${periods[ts]}" done done done cd .. # 4. Import realized centroid vector layers echo "IMPORTING REALIZED ECOREGION CENTROIDS" cd realized_centroids for((k=0; k4; k++)) do for((t=0; t2; t++)) do unzip realized_centroids_${periods[t]}_${clust[k]}.zip dsn=realized_centroids_${periods[t]}_${clust[k]}/realized_centroids_${periods[t]}_${clust[k]}.shp out=realized_centroids_${periods[t]}_${clust[k]} done done cd ..
