The NGEE Arctic Seminar Series


The NGEE Arctic team is hosting virtual seminars focused on NGEE Arctic Phase 4 Model Evaluation Sites, northern latitude collaborations, and our early career researchers.


As part of the NGEE Arctic Phase 4 proposal development process, we invited lead investigators from each of the proposed Phase 4 Model Evaluation Sites to present a seminar to the broader NGEE Arctic team to exchange information and spark new collaborations. Each seminar presented a site overview and a history of research at potential Model Evaluation Sites, including types of data collected, data availability, and opportunities for data to be used to inform or evaluate models. These hour-long overview presentations highlighted sites including Trail Valley Arctic Research Station (Canada), Qikiqtaruk – Herschel Island Territorial Park (Canada), Bayelva Station (Norway), Samoylov Island (Russia; publicly available data only), Abisko Scientific Research Station (Sweden), and Toolik Field Station (Alaska). Following these site-level seminars, we have hosted a number of international high-latitude researchers for collaboration seminars that have spanned a variety of topics from arctic policy to modeling, remote sensing, disturbance, permafrost and vegetation dynamics, greening of the Arctic, and more. These seminars have sparked lively discussions and will likely lead to future collaborations. While NGEE Arctic seminars will continue to feature all aspects of international high-latitude research, we are now beginning to highlight early career researchers from each of our partner institutions, where shorter seminars will provide an opportunity for broad engagement as well as constructive feedback in a friendly environment. 

A current listing of our past and scheduled seminars can be found below; please contact Bob Bolton if you would like to be added to the listserv or seminar schedule. 

Contact and email address: Bob Bolton (


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A current listing of our past and scheduled seminars

A current listing of our past and scheduled seminars

Project Phase(s)