NGEE Arctic All-Hands meeting is quickly approaching!

You don’t want to miss our 11th annual all-hands meeting so be sure to register.

The NGEE Arctic team is looking forward to interacting with everyone at the 11th annual NGEE Arctic All-Hands meeting on February 15th and 17th, 2022! Even though we are again meeting in virtual space we have an exciting few days planned. We will hear from our DOE BER program manager, Dan Stover, and we also have several special guest speakers lined up to speak with us. These include Larry Hinzman (OSTP), and his colleague Andrey Petrov (IASSA and IASC), who will give us their perspectives on Arctic science policy. We will also hear from Darcy Peter (Woodwell Climate Research Center), who is doing some important work on developing guidelines for working with Northern communities, and Logan Berner (Northern Arizona University), who will speak with us about his work on collaboratively developing the next generation of tundra biomass maps for the Arctic. We’ll also hear from our NGEE Arctic task leaders on ‘what’s new and what’s next’ for research on our overarching science questions, and some of our early-career scientists are again organizing a ‘Rising Leaders’ session, where we will be able to view short videos that focus on their cutting-edge science (this was a team favorite last year!). Our data team will also speak with us about the importance of open data sharing as the start of cross-team collaborations. As is our tradition, we will also have a session that focuses on safety – both physical and psychological – in the field, in the laboratory, and in our interactions with the surrounding communities where we work. Our early-career team members will have the opportunity to have a ‘meet and greet’ with sponsors Dan Stover and Jennifer Arrigo – to discuss science, science strategy, and career advice. We are also looking forward to interacting with and hearing feedback from our science advisory board – Chip Miller (NASA JPL), Isla Myers-Smith (University of Edinburgh), and Philip Marsh (Wilfrid Laurier University). We’ll end each day with a rousing game of ‘Arctic Scattergories’ – and a chance for us to have a bit of a personal connection, even in virtual space. You can register for the NGEE Arctic All Hands meeting at this link. See you soon!

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A picture of the smiling faces of the NGEE Arctic team from the ‘before times’ when we were able to gather in person at the Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco in 2019.

For more information, please contact:

Colleen Iversen