Metadata and NGEE Arctic Search Tool metrics


View metrics about the NGEE Arctic metadata records and data downloads.


The metrics that follow reflect metadata submissions and usage of the NGEE Arctic Data Search Tool. Metadata records reflect a combination of data, information, and documentation that form a collection. Although all metadata records are available to the public, researchers may request that some data collections be accessible only to the NGEE Arctic team. Currently, 231 metadata records are available: 159 collections have been released to the public, and 72 are in the internal-only or planned stages. The search tool tracks the number of unique users and the number of downloads of any part of a collection.

Image with caption
 Number of data downloads and unique users (members of the NGEE Arctic Data Management Team are not included) per year.

Number of data downloads and unique users (members of the NGEE Arctic Data Management Team are not included) per year.

Project Phase(s)