Led by Margaret Torn, along with Christin Buechner, Jeffrey Chambers, and Koong Yi (LBNL), as well as André Santos (Carbon Space Tech Inc.), and Colleen Iversen (ORNL), a breakout session at the annual Environmental System Science PI meeting focused on ‘Safety for field and work travel’. The session began with lessons learned presented by team members of three large BER-supported projects, including NGEE Arctic, NGEE Tropics, and the AmeriFlux Management Project. Each team member shared project details, unique challenges, project approach to safety and inclusion, project safety resources, and project safety priorities in coming years. The breakout group participants then together watched three ‘safety fail’ videos put together by AMP, and then further broke out into small groups to discuss what went wrong and to share experiences and best practices from projects across the national laboratories and academia. A Slack channel spanning ESS projects and institutions was created to facilitate cross-project sharing of important safety philosophies, documents, and lessons learned.
Contacts and email address: Colleen Iversen (iversencm@ornl.gov)